04 June 2012

Vision and Mission of CSIL

Below is the Vision and Mission of Colégio de Santo Inácio de Loiola in English and Tetum version. Portuguese version is still in translation. Please give feedback. 

Vision of Colégio de Santo Inácio de Loiola

To create a faith base environment that animates young people to develop to their full potential to serve the church and society through life long learning of intellectual competence, spiritually compassionate, and conscientious human beings for the greater glory of God.


Atu cria ambiente ida nebe iha nia abut husi fiar hodi anima foin sa’e sira atu dezenvolve sira nia capasidade tomak hodi serbi igreja no sociedade liu husi sira nia buka matenek iha moris tomak iha competência intelectual, compaixão espiritual no consciência  nu’udar ema lolos atu nune’e  habo’ot liu tan Nai Maromak Nia Gloria.

Mission of Colégio de Santo Inácio de Loiola

As an East Timorese, Catholic and Jesuit School, our mission is to provide excellence in teaching and learning, to form young men and women with integrity, educated in faith and justice, committed to the care of the individual ("cura personalis") with an openness to all aspect of culture and tradition to become men and women for and with others.


Nu’udar escola Timor nian ida nebe mak católico no escola Jesuíta nian, ami nia missão mak atu fó processo hanorin no aprendizagem nebe mak excelente, atu forma foin sa’e sira, feto no mane, nebe maka iha integridade, educa iha/ho fiar no justisa, no iha comprimisso atu tau matan ba ema ida-idak nebe loke an hodi simu aspecto tomak cultura no tradição nian atu nune’e sai feto no mane hodi serbi ba no ho ema seluk. 

Below is the crest of Colégio de Santo Inácio de Loiola and the description of its symbols. Please give feedback.

Our school crest is in the shape of a shield divided by a cross in the middle that forms four parts, which represent the culture and tradtion of East Timor, the mission of the Society of Jesus, and the two old coats of arms representing two sides of the family of Saint Ignatius of Loyola.

The cross represents the Christ-centered mission of this school and the universal mission of the Church through education.

The two crossed swords (Surik) and the Headress (Kaibauk) represent the identity of East Timor culture and Tradition and the unifying symbols for each Timorese who come from different background of custom and richness of tradition from different parts of East Timor. Colégio de Santo Inácio de Loiola would like to embrace, to appreciate, and to respect as identity for each individuals who come tho this school. 

The book and pen represent the mission of the Society of Jesus from the beginning of this religious order began to serve those in need of a good quality education which this school commits itself in the context of East Timor.

The coat of arms of the Loyola Family was two grey wolves with a kettle between them, on a white field or background. Local tradtion says that the Spanish word for ‘wolf’ is ‘lobo’ and ‘olla’ is ‘pot’; so a wolf and a pot is ‘lobo-y-olla’ which is contracted into ‘Loyola’. This badge was taken to refer to the great generosity of the Loyola family which, in feudal times, kept bands of followers in case of war, and was always so liberal to them that even the wolves always found something to feast on after the soldiers had their field.

The badge of the Onaz family is represented by seven red diagonal bands, on a field of gold. In the context of this school, these bars are integrated with the colour of East Timor flag. The bars were said to have been granted by King of Spain in recognition of the bravery of seven brothers or heroes of the family who distinguished themselves in battle, probably against the Moors or Beotibar in 1321.

THE MOTTO: Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam
This motto gives as the meaning of all our service to this school and our comitment to education which centred in Christ (the blue cross) for the greater Glory of God.